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Dr. Brandi Bourg Karisch

Dr. Brandi Bourg Karisch


  • Milton Sundbeck Endowed Associate Extension/Research Professor

Contact Information
Office: 662-325-7465
Animal and Dairy Sciences Building



  • Texas A & M University, Doctor of Philosophy (PHD), Animal Science
  • Texas A & M University, Master of Science (MS), Animal Science
  • Louisiana State University, Bachelor of Science (BS), Animal Dairy-Poultry Sc



Year Publications

Cordero, J., Harvey, K., Drewery, M., McKnight, M., Karisch, B. B., Durst, L., Colombo, E., Cooke, R., Russell, J. 2024. Impacts of trace mineral source and ancillary drench on steer performance during a 60-day backgrounding phase. Animal


Mackey, S. J., Cooke, R. F., Pickett, A. T., Cappellozza, B. I., Harvey, K. M., Karisch, B. B. 2024. Supplementing a Bacillus-based probiotic to high-risk stocker cattle. Journal of Animal Science


Scott, M., Harvey, K. M., Karisch, B. B., Woolums, A. R., Tracy, R. M., Russell, J. R., Engel, C. L. 2024. Integrated blood transcriptome and multi-tissue trace mineral analyses of healthy stocker cattle fed complexed or inorganic trace mineral supplement. Animals 14(14).


Scott, M., Valeris-Chacin, R., Thompson, A. C., Woolums, A. R., Karisch, B. B. 2024. Comprehensive time-course gene expression evaluation of high-risk beef cattle to establish immunological characteristics associated with undifferentiated bovine respiratory disease. Frontiers in Immunology 13(15).


Parsons, I. L., Karisch, B. B., Stone, A. E., Webb, S. L., Norman, D. A., Street, G. M. 2024. Machine Learning Methods and Visual Observations to Categorize Behavior of Grazing Cattle Using Accelerometer Signals. Sensors 24(10):3171.


Green, M. M., Woolums, A. R., Karisch, B. B., Harvey, K. M., Capik, S. F., Scott, M. A. 2023. Influence of the at-arrival host transcriptome on bovine respiratory disease incidence during backgrounding. Veterinary Sciences


Parsons, I. L., Norman, D. A., Karisch, B. B., Webb, S. L., Stone, A. E., Proctor, M. D., Street, G. M. 2023. Automated walk-over-weigh system to track daily body mass and growth in grazing steers. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 212.


Crosby, W. B., Karisch, B. B., Hiott, L. M., Pinnell, L. J., Pittman, A., Frye, J. G., Jackson, C. R., Loy, J. D., Epperson, W. B., Blanton, J. R., Capik, S. F., Morley, P. S., Woolums, A. R. 2023. Tulathromycin metaphylaxis increases nasopharyngeal isolation of multidrug resistant Mannheimia haemolytica in stocker heifers. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 10.


Scott, M. A., Woolums, A. R., Karisch, B. B., Harvey, K. M. 2022. Impact of preweaning vaccination on host gene expression and antibody titers in healthy beef calves. Frontiers in Veterinary Science


Scott, M. A., Woolums, A. R., Swiderski, C. E., Finley, A., Perkins, A. D., Nanduri, B. B., Karisch, B. B. 2022. Hematological and gene co-expression network analyses of high-risk beef cattle defines immunological mechanisms and biological complexes involved in bovine respiratory disease and weight gain. PLOS ONE 17(11): e0277033.


Scott, M. A., Woolums, A. R., Swiderski, C. E., Alexis, T. C., Perkins, A. D., Nanduri, B. B., Karisch, B. B., Goehl, D. 2022. Use of nCounter mRNA profiling to identify at-arrival gene expression patterns for predicting bovine respiratory disease in beef cattle. BMC Veterinary Research 18.


Carter, H. F., Wills, R. W., Scott, M. A., Thompson, A. C., Singer, R. S., Loy, J. D., Karisch, B. B., Epperson, W. B., Woolums, A. R. 2022. Assessment of Diversity of Antimicrobial Resistance Phenotypes and Genotypes of Mannheimia haemolytica Isolates From Bovine Nasopharyngeal Swabs. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 11.


Parsons, I. L., Boudreau, M., Karisch, B. B., Stone, A. E., Norman, D., Webb, S. L., Evans, K., Street, G. M. 2022. Aiming for the optimum: examining complex relationships between sampling regime, sampling density and landscape complexity to accurately model resource availability. Landscape Ecology 37:2743-2756.


Scott, M. A., Woolums, A. R., Swiderski, C. E., Perkins, A. D., Nanduri, B. B., Smith, D. R., Karisch, B. B., Epperson, W. B., Blanton, J. R. 2021. Multipopulational transcriptome analysis of post-weaned beef cattle at arrival further validates candidate biomarkers for predicting clinical bovine respiratory disease. Scientific Reports 11(1):23877.


Scott, M., Woolums, A. R., Swiderski, C. E., Perkins, A. D., Nanduri, B. B., Smith, D. R., Karisch, B. B., Epperson, W. B., Blanton, J. R. 2021. Comprehensive at-arrival transcriptomic analysis of post-weaned beef cattle uncovers type I interferon and antiviral mechanisms associated with bovine respiratory disease mortality. PloS one 16(4):e0250758.


Cortese, V. S., Woolums, A. R., Karisch, B. B., Short, T. H. 2020. Systemic and local immune responses of beef calves vaccinated post transportation and at the time of a mild respiratory tract infection. Bovine Practitioner


Scott, M. A., Woolums, A. R., Swiderski, C. E., Perkins, A. D., Nanduri, B., Smith, D. R., Karisch, B. B., Epperson, W. B., Blanton, J. R. 2020. Whole blood transcriptomic analysis of beef cattle at arrival identifies potential predictive molecules and mechanisms that indicate animals that naturally resist bovine respiratory disease. PLoS ONE 15(1).


Woolums, A. R., Karisch, B. B., Parish, J. A., Park, J., Seo, K., Badial, P., Olsen, S. C. 2019. Effect of a DNA‑based immunostimulant on growth, performance, and expression of inflammatory and immune mediators in beef calves abruptly weaned and introduced to a concentrate diet. Journal of Animal Science 97(1):111-121.


Holtcamp, A. J., Theradiyil Sukumaran, A., Schnedler, A. E., McClenton, B. J., Kunze, E., Calkins, C. R., Karisch, B. B., Devost-Burnett, D. D., Dinh, T. T. 2019. Effects of feeding endophyte-infected tall fescue seeds to stocker Angus steers on retail quality attributes of beef strip steaks. Meat Science 149:31-39.


Woolums, A. R., Karisch, B. B., Frye, J. G., Epperson, W. B., Smith, D. R., Blanton, J. R., Austin, F. W., Kaplan, R., Hiott, L., Woodley, T., Gupta, S. K., Jackson, C. R., McClelland, M. 2018. Multidrug resistant Mannheimia haemolytica isolated from high-risk beef stocker cattle after antimicrobial metaphylaxis and treatment for bovine respiratory disease. Veterinary Microbiology 221:143-152.


Griffin, C. M., Scott, J. A., Karisch, B. B., Woolums, A. R., Blanton, J. R., Kaplan, R. M., Doster, A. R., Loy, J. D., Epperson, W. B., Smith, D. R. 2018. A randomized controlled trial to test the effect of on-arrival vaccination and deworming on stocker cattle health and growth performance. Bovine Practioner 52(1).


Woolums, A. R., Karisch, B. B., Parish, J. A., Park, J., Seo, K., Badial, P., Olsen, S. C. 2018. Effect of a DNA-based immunostimulant on growth, performance, and expression of inflammatory and immune mediators in beef calves abruptly weaned and introduced to a complete ration. Journal of animal science


Holtcamp, A. J., Sukumaran, A. T., Schnedler, A. E., McClenton, B. J., Kunze, E., Calkins, C. R., Karisch, B. B., Devost-Burnett, D. D., Dinh TTN, . 2018. Effects of feeding endophyte-infected tall fescue seeds to stocker Angus steers on retail quality attributes of beef strip steaks. Meat science 149:31-39.


Maples, J. G., Coatney, K. T., Riley, J. M., Karisch, B. B., Parish, J. A., Vann, R. C. 2015. Comparing Carcass End-Point and Profit Maximization Decision Rules Using Dynamic Nonlinear Growth Functions. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 47(2015):1-25.


Extension Publications

Year Publications

Karisch, B. B. 2024. Understanding the Ruminant Animal Digestive System. MSU-ES


Karisch, B. B. 2024. Stocker Cattle Receiving Management. MSU-ES


Messman, R., Cavinder, C. A., Karisch, B. B. 2023. Reproductive management for Bos Indicus-influenced cows. MSU Extension


Karisch, B. B., Durst, L. 2023. Navigating Livestock Antibiotic Regulations. MSU Extension


Karisch, B. B. 2021. Grading Feeder Cattle. MSU-EXT


Karisch, B. B., Rutherford, W. C., Madeline, P. 2020. How Much Meat to Expect from a Beef Carcass. Mussissippi State University Extension Service


Karisch, B. B. 2020. Economic Impact of Artificial Insemination vs. Natural Mating for Beef Cattle Herds. MSU Extension

Graduate Students

  • Jamie Rooney
  • Mabrey Briscoe
  • Julia Bonner
  • Jessica Lance
  • Tanner Danos
  • Brooke Comeaux
  • Madason Guitreau
  • Sarah Montgomery

Awards & Honors

    Society Memberships

    • American National CattleWomen
    • American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists
    • American Simmental Association
    • American Society of Animal Science
    • Beefmaster Breeders United
    • Mississippi Cattlemen's Association
    • Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation
    • National Cattlemen’s Beef Association